Profile PictureYalonda Joy

Budgeting 101: The Beginners Guide to Budgeting

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Budgeting 101: The Beginners Guide to Budgeting

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I'm going to be 100% real with you. I've lived paycheck to paycheck 95% of my adult life. I'd get paid on Friday & not have one red cent to my name come Monday. 

I was literally living on a prayer Monday - Thursday, stressed out & scared I wouldn't find a way to make it through the week.

One time after work, I stopped at Sonic before my 3-hour night class to get a cup of water.

I happened to be on the phone with my Momma when I realized I didn't even have the $0.56 to pay for it. I'd searched every nook & cranny, but still, I was left empty handed, ashamed & incredibly embarrassed.

She knew I was struggling, but I never once let her know how bad it'd gotten. I'll NEVER forget the pain in her voice when I told her I didn't have $0.56 for a cup of water.

Fifty. Six. Cents.

I can’t tell you HOW many times I promised God I’d get it together if He’d let me make it... just one more time. 

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this: if you don’t learn the lesson life is trying to teach you, the lesson will repeat until you do.

And that’s exactly what it did.

Every time my income increased, so did my expenses & I was right back where I started - living paycheck to paycheck & hanging on a prayer. 

The lesson looked a little different each time, but still, it was always the same.

It wasn’t until I was on the verge of homelessness (for the 2nd time) that I finally learned the lesson life was trying to teach me all those years.

No one was coming to save me. No one.

If I wanted saving, I had to save myself.

And that’s exactly what I did.

The first thing I did was create a budget & it literally changed my life. 

It became crystal clear, income wasn’t the issue, my spending habits were. I buckled down, focused more on my needs & less on my wants, & lo and behold I finally saved my first $1,000.

That $1,000 was my saving grace. 

For the first time in my life, I had a cushion I could fall back on in case of a real life emergency.

For the first time in my life, I was finally able to break free of living paycheck to paycheck. 

A budget saved my life.

If it can help me, it can help you. My purpose with this course is to help you finally take control of your money, stop living paycheck to paycheck & begin to create generational wealth. 

Once you have access to these materials, I will not be able to restrict access at a future date, therefore there is a no refund policy. 

Here’s what you’ll learn:

What a budget really is.

Why you need a budget.

The top 10 reasons budgets fail.

What the different types of income are.

How to budget regular & irregular income.

What the different types of expenses are & how to budget them.

What percentage of your money should be spent on your needs and wants.

How to create a practical budget that is tailored to YOU.

How to maintain your budget for success.

Here's what you'll get:

Video webinar

PDF copy of the webinar

Printable budget sheets

Google Sheets budgets template for Monthly Budgets

Google Sheets budget template for Bi-Weekly Budgets

Google Sheets budget template for Weekly Budgets

If you've been budgeting successfully & already have a budget system that works for you, this may not been the course for you. 

But if you're tired of living paycheck to paycheck & you are ready to break that cycle & finally take control of your money, this course will arm you with the information & tools you need to create & maintain a successful budget. 

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video webinar + printable budget worksheets + google sheets budget templates

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